U centru pažnje klijenta

Sodexo Qatar vodeći je pružatelj usluga koje utječu na kvalitetu života klijenata i njihovih zaposlenika u korporativnom segmentu.

sodex klizač
Pružanje usluga kvalitete života
od 1987

U centru pažnje klijenta

Escorts Ltd Investor Relations pouzdana je robna marka poljoprivrednih i infrastrukturnih rješenja koja ima snagu za dosljedan rast.

escorts slider
Sve informacije o odnosima s investitorima na Escorts Ltd pod jednim krovom.

U centru pažnje klijenta

Aplikacija za mobilni uređaj Mr. Olympia vaš je vodič kroz sve događaje i informacije za IFBB Joe Weider's Olympia Fitness and Performance

olympia klizač
Obavezno vidjeti za bodybuilding
i fitness entuzijasti.

U centru pažnje klijenta

Aplikacija Sarkari Result vaš je vodič za sva dostupna upozorenja i obavijesti o poslovima u indijskoj birokraciji. Aplikacija uspješno premošćuje jaz između naslijeđenih sustava vlade i modernih masa.

Sarkari klizač rezultata
Dobivanje svih informacija o državnim poslovima na jednoj praktičnoj platformi

U centru pažnje klijenta

Bioznanstvena podružnica japanskog petrokemijskog diva Tosoh Corporation svojim klijentima donosi aplikaciju koja objašnjava njihovu liniju proizvoda i njezino djelovanje u industrijskim procesima.

Tosoh klizač
Detaljna brošura proizvoda za nove klijente pakirana u aplikaciji.

U centru pažnje klijenta

Texas Weather Tracker TB službena je aplikacija North Texas Weather Channela koja svojim korisnicima pruža vremensku prognozu u stvarnom vremenu i stalnu vremensku prognozu, tjednu vremensku prognozu, televizijske prijenose uživo i upozorenja na nepogode.

Teksaški vremenski klizač
Uvijek budite u tijeku s lokalnom vremenskom prognozom

U centru pažnje klijenta

Aplikacija Political Meetings svojim korisnicima omogućuje stvaranje, organiziranje i pronalaženje političkih događaja diljem SAD-a. Omogućuje mnoge SaaS aplikacije sa svojom aplikacijom kako bi ljudima olakšali prisustvovanje i organizaciju navedenih događaja.

Klizač za političke sastanke
Organiziranje političkih događaja postalo je jednostavno: vaša jedinstvena aplikacija za organizatore
Sodexov logotip

Sodexo Katar

Sodexo Qatar vodeći je pružatelj usluga koje utječu na kvalitetu života klijenata i njihovih zaposlenika u korporativnom segmentu.

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Escorts Ltd

Sve informacije o odnosima s investitorima na Escorts Ltd pod jednim krovom. U ovome su objavljene sve informacije koje se odnose na budućnost kako bi se investitorima omogućilo da shvate izglede i donesu informirane odluke o ulaganju.

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g. Olympia

Aplikacija za mobilni uređaj Mr. Olympia vaš je vodič kroz sve događaje i informacije za IFBB Joe Weider's Olympia Fitness and Performance

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Sarkari rezultat

Sarkari rezultat

Aplikacija Sarkari Result prikuplja, kompilira i prikazuje svojim korisnicima državna upozorenja o poslovima, akcije zapošljavanja i rezultate ispita za ljude koji traže posao u indijskom javnom sektoru.

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Tosoh Bioscience, Inc.

Tosoh Bioscience, Inc.

Bioscience krilo Tosoh Corporationa usredotočeno je na razne biokemijske proizvode za visokotehnološke industrije. Njihova opsežna linija proizvoda često može zbuniti njihove poslovne klijente. Imajući to na umu, Tosoh Bioscience stvorio je jednostavnu aplikaciju znanja.

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Texas Weather Tracker TV

Texas Weather Tracker TV

Texas Weather Tracker TV besplatna je aplikacija za iOS koju je izradio Weather Channel Sjevernog Teksasa. Aplikacija je dobila više od est. 1000 preuzimanja i raste mu popularnost u sjevernom Teksasu

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Aplikacija Political Meetings svojim korisnicima omogućuje stvaranje, organiziranje i pronalaženje političkih događaja diljem SAD-a. Djeluje kao centralizirani resurs na kojem se mogu objavljivati lokalni, državni i savezni sastanci poput konvencija, javnih večera, rasprava, sastanaka okruga itd.

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Sodex Logo
Sodex Banner

Sodexo Qatar is the leading provider of services that impact the Quality of Life of clients and their employees in the corporate segment and remote sites, students and faculty in the education segment and soldiers in the defense segment.

Number of App Downloads 1000+

Play Store Rating 3.8

App Size 19Mb

Sodex Mob

Escorts Ltd Investor Relations

All Investor Relations information on Escorts Ltd under one roof. In this, all forward-looking information has been disclosed to enable investors to comprehend prospects and take informed investment decisions.

This app contains reports and other statements – written and oral – contain forward looking statements that set out anticipated results based on the management’s plans and assumptions.

Number of App Downloads 1000+

Play Store Rating 4.4

App Size 19Mb

Escorts Logo
olympia Banner

The Mr. Olympia mobile device app is your guide to all the events and information for the IFBB Joe Weider’s Olympia Fitness and Performance Weekend. With legendary past champions like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lee Haney, and Ronnie Coleman, Mr. Olympia is the most prestigious title in the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness Professional League (IFBB) and is a must-see for bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts.

Featuring a floorplan of the expo with a list of all exhibitors, sponsors, and times and locations of all the events at Joe Weider’s Olympia Weekend, you can rest easy knowing that you won’t miss a thing. So download the Mr. Olympia app now and be a part of the most exciting weekend in bodybuilding and fitness!

10,000+ Number of App Downloads

4.2 Play Store Rating

18MbApp Size

Escorts Logo

Sarkari Result


Sarkari Result

The Sarkari Result app collects, compiles and displays to its users, government job alerts, recruitment drives and exam results for people looking for work in the Indian public sector. The organization breaks down various Indian government press releases and job postings to collect & share all information related to said jobs and highlights the minimum qualifications, requirements, interview dates, related tests and examinations, the documents required, etc.

The Sarkari Result app has seen massive success since its release garnering over a 1,000,000 downloads. It’s success lies in the fact that the Indian government’s dependency on legacy methods and systems has made it difficult for job seekers to reach them and find their dream jobs. The Sarkari Result app bridges the gap by connecting the recruiters and job seekers through the convenience of a mobile app.

1,000,000+Number of App Downloads
Google Play Store Rating
Apple App Store Rating
31MbApp Size

Tosoh Bioscience, Inc.


Tosoh Bioscience, Inc.

Tosoh Corporation’s Bioscience wing focuses on various biochemical products for high-tech industries. Their extensive product line can often be confusing for their business clients. Keeping that in mind, Tosoh Bioscience has created a simplistic knowledge app.

The Bioscience app allows the client to learn more about the organization’s product line and explains the nature and application of the products with the help of descriptive text and educational videos. The app is free to download.

50+Number of App Downloads
23MbApp Size

Weather Tracker TV


Texas Weather Tracker TV

Texas Weather Tracker TV is a free iOS app created by North Texas’ Weather Channel. The app has received more than an est. 1000 downloads and is rising in popularity in Northern Texas

The app provides real-time weather forecasts and weather data as updated by the TV channel’s meteorology team. The weather app also shows real-time weather conditions on a detailed map, notifications for bad weather, live TV and more for all of North Texas.

1000+(est.)Number of App Downloads
Apple App Store Rating
133.2 MBApp Size
texasweathert mobBG




The Political Meetings app allows its users to create, organize and find political events around the US. It acts as a centralized resource where local, state, and federal meetings like conventions, Public dinners, Debates, Precinct Meetings, etc can be posted.

It provides various Saas applications through a monthly subscription to make it easier for both organizers and event goers. It aims to bring various political groups, affiliations and people across the US together and make it easier for them to work towards their goals.

Average Rating
36MbApp Size
politicalMeetings mobBG

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