Lead Generation Chatbot - Appy Pie

How to Build a Lead Generation Chatbot?

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on March 11th, 2024 7:12 am | 6-min read

Chatbots are a definite need for businesses around the world. Many businesses are adopting chatbots for various processes each day. According to research by Statista, nearly 24% of e-Commerce organizations are looking to implement chatbots on their website and mobile apps. Chatbots have proved their mettle and continue to find new uses within various business processes.

Out of the many uses of a chatbot, one of its most popular uses is for lead generation. Lead generation chatbots help businesses discover and capture new leads. With competition getting more fierce and prospects falling, the success of a business is all down to how efficiently they can find and capture their leads. Customers today are more aware of what they want from a brand and are extremely judicious while making purchasing decisions. To ensure that these customers purchase from your business, you must successfully convert them from a casual visitor to a brand promoting customer. A lead generation bot is one of the most widely used mediums to convert potential clients into leads who can then be directed into your sales funnel. There are many reasons why you need a lead generation chatbot. In this blog, we shall discuss what a lead generation chatbot can do for your business and how you can build one on your own.

Benefits of Creating a Lead Generation Chatbot

A lead generation chatbot can bring many benefits to your business. Let us discuss some of them:

  • Understanding Your Audience
  • It’s easier to sell to audiences that you share an understanding with. The best way to understand your new customer’s needs is to ask them and attain as much information as you can. Apart from that, existing customers can help you in improving your brand by giving their valuable feedback. A lead generation chatbot can be easily programmed to act as an inquire bot. It can help you gather relevant information about your clients and visitors. Then, collected information can be utilized to develop better sales strategies and convert the generated leads.

  • Increase Communication with Visitors
  • Brand reputation is important for your business growth. The easiest way to build a brand reputation is by communicating with your visitors and potential clients. A chatbot acts as a direct line of communication between your company and you. Since chatbots are automated, they immediately interact with your audience landing on your business webpage increasing interaction with your visitors. This can help strengthen your brand reputation bringing you more leads in the long run.

  • Nurture Your Leads
  • A well-made chatbot can nurture potential leads and turn them into high-quality leads. Chatbots act as support agents to give your users the required information about your products, services, and business. This increases the interest of your visitors to your website and can encourage them to connect with your brand.

  • Replace Forms
  • Visitors hate filling forms. A conversational chatbot can be used to replace forms and can request users to provide relevant details. Chatbots are natural, hence effectively replace monotonous forms on your website. If you still don’t believe how a lead generation chatbot can help enhance your leads, here’s an infographic showing how chatbot assistance can make lead generation easier.
Generate Leads with Chatbots - Appy Pie

How to generate leads with chatbots

  1. Pre-chat surveys: Chatbots allow businesses to qualify visitors according to their needs. They automatically ask your website visitors for their email addresses or phone numbers before you engage with them. This helps you ensure your potential leads that an actual person will reach out to them while collecting their information. Your users will have a conversation with your chatbot and you’ll have important information from visitors that you can use to nurture them as leads.
  2. Welcome new visitors: You must leave a welcoming impression when a visitor lands on your website. Chatbots can help you in greeting and guiding new visitors. With a chatbot, you can ask your users exactly what they need and direct them to the relevant pages. If your users find what they’re looking for, they’ll have more interest in your brand. Even if your chatbot is unable to help your users, they can still ask for their contact information and direct them to a support or sales rep. This way, you generate a lead and also help your visitor’s journey be as smooth as possible.
  3. Engage visitors who don’t complete forms and checkout pages: Sometimes your website visitors engage with forms but don’t fill them in. And sometimes they almost buy something but abandon their cart after adding products. Such instances can add up and result in a loss of potential sales.
  4. However, you can reduce these types of instances using chatbots. With the help of chatbots, you can find out exactly why they didn’t fill out a form or why they didn’t checkout. You can use this information to personalize your offers for them and thus satisfy visitors.
  5. Engage visitors on high-interest pages: Chatbots can help businesses automate the user engagement process and allow them to engage a visitor only when they land on specific pages. This could be a page where you sell a high-value product, or any other page, which if a customer visits, you think shows a high level of interest on their part. On such pages, you want maximum conversions. You want no hurdles stopping your visitors from signing-up or buying something. In such a crucial moment, chatbots can be of great assistance. They can be trained to greet the visitors and ask them specific sales related questions to encourage them to make a purchase. They can also help you use this opportunity to give them pertinent information that might make them feel at ease with your website, and then ask them for contact information. Even if they don’t buy anything, you’ll have this information to reach out to them later again.
  6. Direct visitors to your blog: You can start writing blogs and use them to generate leads. In the blogs, you can easily gauge visitor interest and convert them into leads. For example, if a visitor has spent some time reading your blog, you can capitalize on this interest by having your chatbot asking visitors to sign-up to receive related content, thus boosting your leads. If they are in a hurry, you can also prompt your chatbot to collect their email address so you may share content with them later.

How To Build a Lead Generation Chatbot?

There are many ways to make a lead generation chatbot. However, before designing a lead generation chatbot, decide on the type of chatbot you want to make. There are two types of chatbots that you could make - a template-based chatbot or a machine learning chatbot. A template-based chatbot has a preset bot flow. In other words, a template chatbot can communicate with visitors directly through a pre-configured set of responses and options and collect the information directly. Template-based chatbots are the easiest to create and can serve the purpose of generating leads. Appy Pie, a leading no-code development platform, offers users a user-friendly platform to effortlessly create template-based lead generation chatbots through its industry-leading chatbot builder, Appy Pie Chatbot, making it a convenient and efficient solution for businesses seeking to boost their customer engagement and capture valuable leads.Appy Pie Chatbot can be used to make chatbots for businesses in a simple manner. In fact, building a chatbot with Appy Pie Chatbot is a simple 3 step process.
  1. Enter the name of your chatbot
  2. Customize design and botflow
  3. Deploy it on your website/app/social media
We have already made a detailed chatbot building guide to make a chatbot from scratch using Appy Pie Chatbot. Template-based chatbots are more than enough for creating a lead generation chatbot. However, if you want to go the extra mile and create something more complex, you can create a machine learning chatbot. Machine-learning chatbots are self-learning chatbots that can ‘talk’ to a user using NLP(natural language processing) and create a unique personalized experience. Machine learning chatbots record every conversation and add it to their own database. It can use previous chats to make analytical decisions and improve user experience with every chat. Creating a machine learning chatbot requires a big budget, a dedicated team of experts, and specific servers. Machine learning chatbots are great, however, the technology is overkill for a lead generation chatbot. Machine learning is a concept best left alone unless you want to create a dedicated virtual assistant. For this very reason, template-based chatbots are the dominant choice among businesses.

Deploying a Lead Generation Chatbot

Once you created a lead generation chatbot you must know where to deploy it. We have a detailed guide on how to use chatbots for lead generation. However, we must discuss where these chatbots can and should be used. Keeping that in mind, we have compiled a list of places where your chatbot can be deployed

  • Homepage
  • Your website homepage is the first place where you can interact with your customer. Adding a lead generation/inquiry bot to this page is one of the best ways to generate and nurture leads. Homepage chatbots are the most important chatbots to deploy.

  • Product Pages
  • After your homepage, dedicated product pages should have a lead generation chatbot related to that product. Product pages are created to bring in leads. When combined with a chatbot, these pages can perform even better and take your business to the next level.

  • Mobile Apps
  • Many businesses are building apps for their services. Most of these apps are free to use but contain in-app purchases. These in-app purchase pages can be integrated with a chatbot to increase revenue from the app. We have a dedicated blog on how to create an app for your business.

  • Social Media Accounts
  • Many businesses have been deploying lead generation chatbots on their social media accounts. Managing social media can be cumbersome but an automated bot to help customers over social channels is a great way to maintain and improve your brand reputation. The most popular social media for chatbots is Facebook. Facebook messenger bots are insanely popular among businesses.

Summing Up

Lead generation chatbots can help take businesses to the next level. Appy Pie Chatbot provides businesses a way to create these chatbots with minimum effort. You can create as many chatbots as you want with Appy Pie Chatbot. So what are you waiting for? Create your lead generation chatbot today!As always, please subscribe to our newsletter and leave us a comment to share your opinion on lead generation chatbots.

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie